Real Estate Rental Management Fees

To be able to select the best real estate rental management to handle a rental property, it is important for property owners to understand the extent of the services that they can offer. The level of expertise varies from different rental management companies, exactly why it is very important to weigh the skills and experience, as well as the real estate rental management fees of each company.

Real Estate Rental Management Fees

One of the most critical considerations in choosing a real estate rental management is the fee. It is important to comprehend the costs and fees that come with rental management. The usual monthly fee includes the continual responsibilities of rental management, like: rent collection and property inspections. There are times that some rental management charges an extra fee for seeking a tenant.

Real estate rental management fees vary from one state to another. In WA, rental management is commonly 8% of the rental cost, but often open for negotiation. Additionally, there may be other charges on top of the fixed monthly fee. However in TAS, there is a separate fee for rental management which is 13.44% and a letting fee. Letting fee varies based on the length of the tenancy.

RMA Rental Management Australia